Fotokatalitik sistemler (titanyum dioksit (TiO2) süspansiyon)ile giardıa intestinalis’in giderimi
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Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi
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Giardia intestinalis insanın ince bagırsagında duodenumda, özellikle jejunumun üstkısmında nadir olarakta safra kesesinde ve safra yollarında giardiosis'e neden olanprotozoondur. Kist ve trofozoit olmak üzere iki formda bulunurlar. Giardia kistlerinin enönemli tasınım yolunun su oldugu düsünülürse dünyanın bir çok ülkesinde epidemik halegelmis olan giardiosis hastalıgını önlemenin yolu içme suyu kalitesini arttırmaktangeçmektedir.Suyun paraziter arıtımında genellikle klor ve türevleri kullanılmaktadır. Ancak sonyıllarda suda dogal olarak bulunan hümik asitlerin özellikle klorlama sonrasında kanserojenürünler olan triholametanları olusturdugu rapor edilmektedir. Isık gibi yenilenebilir enerjikaynaklarının kullanılması ile kimyasal arıtım ve kimyasal dezenfeksiyon yerine çevre dostusistemlerin gelistirilmesi büyük önem tasımaktadır.Fotokatalitik oksidasyon su ve atık suların dezenfeksiyonu için gelecek vadeden biryöntemdir. Fotokatalitik oksidasyon islemlerinde düsük maliyetli, kararlı ve yan ürün olaraksadece oksijen ve su üreten TiO2 gibi yarı iletken bir katı katalizör olarak kullanılmaktadır.Fotokaliz katı yarı iletken taneciklerle ultraviyole ısınlarının etkilesimi sonucu (TiO2/UV)sulu ortamda olusan en güçlü yükseltgen tür olan hidroksil radikalleri (?OH) ile organiktürlerin parçalanarak giderimi esasına dayanan bir teknolojidir.Bu çalısmada sulu ortamda TiO2 ve gümüs yüklenmis TiO2 (Ag-TiO2) süspansiyonları(2 g/l) kullanılarak Giardia intestinalis in fotokatalitik giderimi arastırılmıstır. Sivas li,Merkez lçesi, Alahacı Köyü lkögretim Okulu ögrencilerinin dıskılarından izole edilen 100ml hacimli baslangıç mikroorganizma içerigi 5x106?13,5x107 kist/ml arasında degisenGiardia intestinalis çözeltilerine 0,2 g katalizör eklenerek olusturulan süspansiyon 0-60dakika süreyle UV radyasyonuna maruz bırakıldı. Belli periyotlarda reaksiyon karısımındanörnekler alındı ve santrifüjlenerek TiO2 ayrıldıktan sonra supernatantın 10 ml'lik kısımlardansayım yapılarak canlılık tespiti yapıldı. 10. dakikada UV'nin inaktivasyon performansı % 4'den % 10' a ulasırken, TiO2/UV' nin 10. dakikadaki inaktivasyon performansının % 8' den %91,68' e ulastıgı belirlenmistir. Toplam Giardia dezenfeksiyonu göz önüne alındıgında iseAg-TiO2/UV sistemi en iyi sonucu vermistir.
Giardia intestinalis is a protozoon which causes giardiosis in the duodenum especiallyin small intestinum of the humans and rarely on the upper part of the gallbladder. Giardiaintestinalis exists in two forms, cysts and trophozoite. When it comes to think that the mostimportant moving way of Giardia cysts is water, the way of preventing giardiosis illness thathas become epidemic in many countries of the world, is increasing the quality of drinkingwater.Generally chlorine and its derivatives are used in purifying the parasites in water.However in recent years, it has been reported that humic acid existing naturally in waterforms triholamethan that is cancerous products especially after chlorine period. It is importantthat the systems that aren?t harmful for the environment be improved instead of chemicaldisinfection by the renewable energy sources like light.Photocatalytic oxidation is an important method for future for disinfection of the waterand waste-water. In photocatalytic process, as low cost price determined and not originalproduct semi-conductor like TiO2 producing water oxygen is used as a solid catalyst.Photocatalsis is a technology based on being pulling to pieces of organic species withhydroxyl radical forming in watery environment at the result of interaction of solid semiconductorgrains with ultraviole lights.In this study photocatalytic disinfection of Giardia intestinalis by using silver-loadedTiO2 suspensions and TiO2 in watery environment was searched. Suspension being formed byadding 0,2 g catalyst to Giardia intestinalis solution that changes between 100 ml volumebeginning microorganism 5×106-13,5×107 being isolated from feces of the students in Sivas,Center, Alahacı Primary School, was exposed to UV radiation for 0-60 minutes. It was takenfrom reaction-mixture in certain periods and liveliness test was performed after centrifugationTiO2 was removed.It was determined that UV inactivation performance in 10 minutes reached from % 10to % 4 and in response to this, inactivation performance of TiO2/UV in 10 minutes reachedfrom % 91,68 to % 8. When taking into account all Giardia disinfection the Ag-TiO2/UVsystem has given the best result.
Giardia intestinalis is a protozoon which causes giardiosis in the duodenum especiallyin small intestinum of the humans and rarely on the upper part of the gallbladder. Giardiaintestinalis exists in two forms, cysts and trophozoite. When it comes to think that the mostimportant moving way of Giardia cysts is water, the way of preventing giardiosis illness thathas become epidemic in many countries of the world, is increasing the quality of drinkingwater.Generally chlorine and its derivatives are used in purifying the parasites in water.However in recent years, it has been reported that humic acid existing naturally in waterforms triholamethan that is cancerous products especially after chlorine period. It is importantthat the systems that aren?t harmful for the environment be improved instead of chemicaldisinfection by the renewable energy sources like light.Photocatalytic oxidation is an important method for future for disinfection of the waterand waste-water. In photocatalytic process, as low cost price determined and not originalproduct semi-conductor like TiO2 producing water oxygen is used as a solid catalyst.Photocatalsis is a technology based on being pulling to pieces of organic species withhydroxyl radical forming in watery environment at the result of interaction of solid semiconductorgrains with ultraviole lights.In this study photocatalytic disinfection of Giardia intestinalis by using silver-loadedTiO2 suspensions and TiO2 in watery environment was searched. Suspension being formed byadding 0,2 g catalyst to Giardia intestinalis solution that changes between 100 ml volumebeginning microorganism 5×106-13,5×107 being isolated from feces of the students in Sivas,Center, Alahacı Primary School, was exposed to UV radiation for 0-60 minutes. It was takenfrom reaction-mixture in certain periods and liveliness test was performed after centrifugationTiO2 was removed.It was determined that UV inactivation performance in 10 minutes reached from % 10to % 4 and in response to this, inactivation performance of TiO2/UV in 10 minutes reachedfrom % 91,68 to % 8. When taking into account all Giardia disinfection the Ag-TiO2/UVsystem has given the best result.
Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Parazitoloji Ana Bilim Dalı
Anahtar Kelimeler
Parazitoloji, Parasitology