Browsing by Author "Ayan S."
Now showing items 1-19 of 19
Adenomatoid tumors of testis and epididymis: A report of two cases
Gökçe G.; Kiliçarslan H.; Ayan S.; Yildiz E.; Kaya K.; Gültekin E.Y. (2001)Adenomatoid tumors are rare benign tumors of female and male genital tracts. In this paper, we reported an epididymal and a testicular adenomatoid tumor in two patients presented with enlarged intrascrotal mass. -
Aggressiveness tendencies of the children exposed to domestic violence [Aile içinde şiddete u?rayan çocuklarin saldirganlik e?ilimleri]
Ayan S. (2007)Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the aggression tendencies of the children who exposed to domestic violence and to determine the relation between these tendencies and sociocultural, economic, psychological ... -
Cranial blind-ending branch of a bifid ureter
Kiliçarslan H.; Ayan S.; Gökçe G.; Kaya K.; Gültekin E.Y. (2001)A case of cranial blind-ending branch of bifid ureter is presented in a woman. There were no associated complications requiring surgery. The anomaly was best shown with intravenous urography. -
Effect of insulin therapy for diabetic cystopathy: Urodynamic and histological findings in a rabbit model
Ayan S.; Kalo?lu C.; Gökçe G.; Uçar C.; Kiliçarslan H.; Gültekin E.Y. (1999)Objective: To investigate the efficacy of insulin therapy in preventing cystopathic changes in diabetes using a rabbit model. Materials and Methods: Twenty-four New Zealand white rabbits were studied in three groups: eight ... -
Effect of strontium chloride on experimental bladder inflammation in rat
Korgali E.; Dundar G.; Coskun K.A.; Akyol M.; Tutar Y.; Ayan S.; Gokce G.; Gultekin E.Y. (2014)Introduction. Strontium salts are anti-irritants for chemically induced sensory irritation. Interstitial cystitis is a painful disease without definitive therapy. The aim of the study was to determine the effect of strontium ... -
Effects of experimental diabetes and insulin treatment on rabbit renal morphology: A quantitative and qualitative study
Bulut H.E.; Onarlio?lu B.; Kalo?lu C.; Özdemir Ö.; Ayan S. (2001)Diabetes causes metabolic defects and related vascular alterations such as atherosclerosis. These vascular alterations may also reflect the renal structural degeneration under the influence of diabetes. Therefore, the aim ... -
The evaluation of the effects of renal failure on erectile dysfunction in a rabbit model of chronic renal failure
Bagcivan I.; Kilicarslan H.; Sarac B.; Gokce G.; Yildirim S.; Ayan S.; Sarioglu Y. (2003)OBJECTIVE: To determine whether chronic renal failure (CRF) reduces nitrergic relaxant responses in a rabbit model. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Ten rabbits underwent surgery to induce uraemia (CRF rabbits) and a further 10 a ... -
Examining the levels of self and ideal self perception of juvenile in terms of demographic and socioeconomic characteristics [Hükümlü çocuklari{dotless}n benlik ve ideal benlik algi{dotless} düzeylerinin sosyodemografik ve ekonomik de?işkenler açi{dotless}si{dotless}ndan incelenmesi]
Ayan S. (2012)Objective: This study searches the levels of self and ideal self perception and the socio-economic levels of the children found guilty of a crime in houses for child care in Turkey. Methods: This study totally consists of ... -
A huge renal mass with uncommon pathology of leiomyoma
Korgali E.; Ayan S.; Gökce G.; Bicer H.; Yildiz E.; Gultekin Y.E. (2010)Leiomyomas are benign mesenchymal tumors that arise from smooth muscle cells anywhere in the body. Renal leiomyoma is a rare condition. The authors report the case of a woman with a huge right-sided renal mass that was ... -
In vitro effects of PDE5 inhibitor and statin treatment on the contractile responses of experimental MetS rabbit's cavernous smooth muscle
Erden Y.; Korgali E.; Dundar G.; Ayan S.; Gokce G.; Yildirim S.; Gultekin E.Y. (2014)Objective: Hypercholesterolaemia promotes erectile dysfunction through increased superoxide formation and decreased nitric oxide bioactivity in cavernosal tissue. The role of nitric oxide on erectile function is well known. ... -
Job satisfaction levels of high school teachers and affecting personal and institutional factors: A study of Sivas city [Lise ö?retmenlerinin iş doyumu düzeyi ile bunu etkileyenbireysel ve kurumsal etkenler: Sivas merkez ilçe örne?i]
Ayan S.; Kocacik F.; Karakuş H. (2009)Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate job satisfaction levels of high school teachers and to evaluate the affecting factors. Material and methods: The universe of the study consisted of public high schools ... -
K-Ras mutation in transitional cell carcinoma of urinary bladder
Ayan S.; Gokce G.; Kilicarslan H.; Ozdemir O.; Yildiz E.; Gultekin E.Y. (2001)In the present study it was aimed to investigate the frequency of K-RAS mutation in the human bladder transitional cell carcinoma. For this purpose, tissue specimens obtained from the patients with bladder tumors. Genomic ... -
Radiological findings in massive inguinoscrotal bladder herniation: Scientific letter [Masif i?nguinoskrotal mesane herniasyonunda radyolojik bulgular]
Atalar M.H.; E?ilmez H.; Ayan S. (2008)Inguinoscrotal bladder hernia is a rare entity. The bladder may be a component of inguinal hernias in man over the age of 50 years and only a small portion of the bladder is usually involved. Preoperative diagnosis of such ... -
Receiving disciplinary punishment at school, being exposed to family violence [Okulda disiplin cezasi{dotless) alma, ailede şiddete u?rama]
Ayan S. (2011)Objective: In this study, it has been aimed at determining the relation between the students' exposing to family violence and their receiving disciplinary punishment at school. Methods: The sampling was formed by 408 ... -
The relationship between symptoms and urodynamic evaluation in women with urinary incontinence [Üriner inkontinansli kadinlarda semptomlar ile ürodinamik bulgularin iliskisi]
Kiliçarslan H.; Kaya K.; Güvenal T.; Gökçe G.; Ayan S.; Gültekin E.Y. (2003)OBJECTIVE: In this study we investigated the relationship between urodynamic findings and medical history, the type of urinary incontinence in women with urinary incontinence. STUDY DESIGN: The retrospective analysis which ... -
Surgical treatment of penil fractures [Penis fraktürlerinin cerrahi tedavisi.]
Kiliçarslan H.; Gökçe G.; Kaya K.; Ayan S.; Gültekin Y.E. (2003)BACKGROUND: Patients diagnosis as penil fracture and treated with surgical methods were evaluated retrospectively between January 1990-February 2002. METHODS: Patients were evaluated by age, trauma type, time passed after ... -
A survey of patient preparation and technique of ultrasound-guided prostate biopsy: A multicenter study og urooncological association [Ultrasonografi k?lavuzlu?unda yap?lan prostat biyopsisinde hasta haz?rl??? ve teknik anketi: Üroonkoloji derne?i çcok merkezli çal?şmas?]
Bozlu M.; Akduman B.; Mungan U.; Özen H.; Baltaci S.; Türkeri L.; Kirkali Z.; Akdaş A.; Adsan Ö.; Akdo?an B.; Altinel M.; Ataus S.; Ayan S.; Bilen C.Y.; Çal Ç.; Çek M.; Dündar M.; Işeri C.; Koşan M.; Lekili M.; Müezzino?lu T.; Özer G.; Özgök Y.; Perk H.; Soyupak B.; Soyupek S.; Soylu A.; Sözen S.; Şengör F.; Tansu? Z.; Tekin A.; Yildirim A. (Turk Uroloji Dernegi, 2007)Introduction: Ultrasound-guided prostate biopsy is the standard method for the diagnosis of prostate cancer. The aim of the present survey is to assess the variability in patient preparation and technique of ultrasound-guided ... -
Treatment plans and results in iatrogenic ureteral injuries [Iatrojenik üreteral travmalarda tedavi planlarimiz ve sonuçlari.]
Gökçe G.; Kiliçarslan H.; Ayan S.; Hocaoglu S.S.; Gültekin E.Y. (2000)We treated 19 patients with iatrogenic ureteral injuries during a 10-year period. Gynecological operations were the most common surgical procedures (52.6%). The diagnosis of ureteral injury was made immediately in 6 patients ...