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dc.contributor.authorAbdullah Başoğlu
dc.contributor.authorNuri Başpınar
dc.contributor.authorAlparslan Coşkun
dc.description.abstractThis study is the frst to evaluate nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR)-based metabolomics in cows with displaced abomasum (DA), which is an internationally recognized problem in dairy cows. Some biochemical parameters have been used for monitoring DA. However, to date, few data have been available on the blood metabolomic profle of dairy cows. Forty Holstein multiparous cows with DA (30 lef, 10 right) and 10 clinically healthy Holstein multiparous cows were the subjects of the study. All the animals had similar dry matter intake. An NMR-based metabolomics approach and hematological and biochemical analyses were performed. Some changes in biochemical parameters were observed between the groups. Among the cows with lef displaced abomasum (LDA), 10 were associated with concomitant ketosis. Disease periods between the 2 DA groups were diferent. The metabolites identifed and quantifed by NMR analysis were valine, 3 β-hydroxybutyrate (BHB), alanine, glutamine, glutamate, and succinate. The last of these was signifcantly decreased in cows with right displaced abomasum (RDA). Glutamine, glutamate, and 3 BHB levels were signifcantly diferent between DA groups. Tere was a positive correlation between BHB and valine, glutamine, and glutamate in the LDA group. Overall, this work suggests that the additional information obtained by NMR-based metabolomics evaluation may contribute to assessing the metabolic status of cows with DA.en_US
dc.description.abstractThis study is the frst to evaluate nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR)-based metabolomics in cows with displaced abomasum (DA), which is an internationally recognized problem in dairy cows. Some biochemical parameters have been used for monitoring DA. However, to date, few data have been available on the blood metabolomic profle of dairy cows. Forty Holstein multiparous cows with DA (30 lef, 10 right) and 10 clinically healthy Holstein multiparous cows were the subjects of the study. All the animals had similar dry matter intake. An NMR-based metabolomics approach and hematological and biochemical analyses were performed. Some changes in biochemical parameters were observed between the groups. Among the cows with lef displaced abomasum (LDA), 10 were associated with concomitant ketosis. Disease periods between the 2 DA groups were diferent. The metabolites identifed and quantifed by NMR analysis were valine, 3 β-hydroxybutyrate (BHB), alanine, glutamine, glutamate, and succinate. The last of these was signifcantly decreased in cows with right displaced abomasum (RDA). Glutamine, glutamate, and 3 BHB levels were signifcantly diferent between DA groups. Tere was a positive correlation between BHB and valine, glutamine, and glutamate in the LDA group. Overall, this work suggests that the additional information obtained by NMR-based metabolomics evaluation may contribute to assessing the metabolic status of cows with DA.en_US
dc.subjectSütçülük ve Hayvan Bilimlerien_US
dc.titleNMR-based metabolomic evaluation in dairy cows with displaced abomasumen_US
dc.relation.journalTurkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciencesen_US
dc.contributor.departmentSivas Cumhuriyet Üniversitesien_US
dc.relation.publicationcategoryMakale - Ulusal Hakemli Dergi - Kurum Öğretim Elemanıen_US]

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