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dc.contributor.authorMehmet Kasım Özgen
dc.description.abstractWhat is meant by the ,,I" is the philosophy that places the ,,I" in the center and has a reflectional view on the ,,I". This article deals with the differences between the philosophy of the ,,I" in the West and the philosophy of the ,,Truth" in the East. The subjects of the ,,I" and the ,,Truth" support each other. The ,,I" and the ,,Truth" may sometimes replace each other. The person who approaches to the ,,I" will also approaches to the ,,Truth" or vice versa. In the modern point of view, modern ,,I" is not innate. It is something man made, a result of human intention and decision and something invented. Individuals brought up with this kind of view point are never a real ,,I" and can never be because human beings in modern communities places themselves in the centre of attention according to how they consider themselves important. However, the method pioneered by Fichte focused on the action rather than the thought. He placed the action and existence before the thought. In addition to this, in the mystic philosophy, he always tried to warn the humanity to be careful about distinguishing the ,,Real I" from all the other ,,I"s. The philosophy of "I am the Truth" is both a philosophy of the ,,I" and the ,,Truth". The dissolution ,,I" is equal to permanency of the ,,Truth". The permanency of the ,,I" is the hidden ,,Truth"en_US
dc.description.abstractWhat is meant by the ,,I" is the philosophy that places the ,,I" in the center and has a reflectional view on the ,,I". This article deals with the differences between the philosophy of the ,,I" in the West and the philosophy of the ,,Truth" in the East. The subjects of the ,,I" and the ,,Truth" support each other. The ,,I" and the ,,Truth" may sometimes replace each other. The person who approaches to the ,,I" will also approaches to the ,,Truth" or vice versa. In the modern point of view, modern ,,I" is not innate. It is something man made, a result of human intention and decision and something invented. Individuals brought up with this kind of view point are never a real ,,I" and can never be because human beings in modern communities places themselves in the centre of attention according to how they consider themselves important. However, the method pioneered by Fichte focused on the action rather than the thought. He placed the action and existence before the thought. In addition to this, in the mystic philosophy, he always tried to warn the humanity to be careful about distinguishing the ,,Real I" from all the other ,,I"s. The philosophy of "I am the Truth" is both a philosophy of the ,,I" and the ,,Truth". The dissolution ,,I" is equal to permanency of the ,,Truth". The permanency of the ,,I" is the hidden ,,Truth"en_US
dc.titleBen Felsefesi yahut Hak Felsefesien_US
dc.title.alternativeThe Philosophy of Self or Truthen_US
dc.relation.journalBeytulhikme An International Journal of Philosophyen_US
dc.contributor.departmentSivas Cumhuriyet Üniversitesien_US
dc.relation.publicationcategoryMakale - Ulusal Hakemli Dergi - Kurum Öğretim Elemanıen_US]

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