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dc.contributor.authorHayta E.
dc.descriptionCumhuriyet University, Faculty of Medicineen_US
dc.description.abstractObjective: The aim of the present study is to apply cardiac rehabilitation (CR) to the sedentary cases with cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk, and to investigate the effect of CR on the various blood parameters and aerobic capacity of the cases. Method: The study included 106 individuals with sedentary life. Age, smoking history, presence of anxiety, CVD and DM history, pulmonary disease history, alcohol use, dietary habits, lipid profile, ECHO test of the patients were determined before the cardiac rehabilitation application. Furthermore, body mass index (BMI) values, weight, waist-hip-thigh circumference, lipid profile, Metabolic Equivalent of Task (MET), and VO2 Max of all patients were measured. The patients who had a sedentary lifestyle were then put to respiratory function test, submaximal exercise test, and ECG-CB monitoring and treadmill-ergometric stress tests. The patients who responded well to the tests were included in an aerobic program for 12 weeks (30-50 min of aerobic exercise, 5 days/3 weeks) based on the exercise tolerance test according to their clinical condition. Besides, the parametric measurements, which had been conducted prior to the aerobic program, and the results of the pre and post tests were evaluated and compared at the end of the 12th week. Results: There were meaningful improvements in body weights, BMI, waist and hip and EKO measurements of the individuals included in the study (p<0.005). The difference between triglyceride, HDL, LDL, MET, AT, VO2 max and body fat rate of the study participants before and after CR were found statistically significant (p<0.005). Conclusions: In the present study, CR applied to individuals having sedentary lifestyle has positive impacts on BMI decrease, body fat rate and lipids. Besides, CR achieves a significant increase in aerobic capacity in individuals having sedentary lifestyle.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipHayta, E.; Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Cumhuriyet University, Faculty of MedicineTurkey; email: dremay@gmail.comen_US
dc.subjectAerobic capacityen_US
dc.subjectCardiac rehabilitationen_US
dc.subjectSedentary lifeen_US
dc.titleThe effectiveness of cardiac rehabilitation in the sedentary cases with cardiovascular disease risken_US
dc.relation.journalCumhuriyet Medical Journalen_US
dc.contributor.departmentHayta, E., Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Cumhuriyet University, Faculty of Medicine, Sivas, 58140, Turkeyen_US
dc.relation.publicationcategoryMakale - Uluslararası Hakemli Dergi - Kurum Öğretim Elemanıen_US

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