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dc.contributor.authorGülcan Tatar
dc.description.abstractIn Amphitryon 38, Giraudoux, one of the best dramatic authors of the French theatre, wanted to pread out, through its principal heroin, Alcmene, the problem of the human free will confronted with the prescience and divine omnipotence. The fact that Alcmene, satisfies with its humanity until refusing offered of the immortal Jupiter divinity, even in the most dramatic circumstances where all is arranged, generated and limited by the god of the gods, its humanity defends is an extremely remarkable turning of the author who clearly exposes his desire of bringing together of divine to the human one. Initially, while exposing to the god of the gods a mortal satisfied with her destiny, heroin is finally able to make it accept the dignity of humanity. One noted there the possibility of harmonious cohabitation between these two large components of Cosmos: the man and God, not only thanks to the friendly gift of Alcmene, but also by the obstinacy of this one, the characteristic of the divinity. However, it was noted that the human being is limited and weak in front of the laws of the universe which was built since and which is built perpetually. Even if it builds its domestic equilibrium, it is impossible for him to arrange all the remainder of the universe and to change the course of the needs for the universal determinism and to avoid fates since it acts of an inevitable predestination for the human one like for the divine one.en_US
dc.description.abstractDans Amphitryon 38, Giraudoux, l'un des meilleurs auteurs dramatiques du theatre français, a voulu etaler, â travers son heroine principale, Alcmene, le probleme du libre arbitre humain confronte â la prescience et Tomrıipotence divine. Le fait qu'Alcmene, contente de son humanite jusqu'a refuser l'offert de la divinite immortelle de Jupiter, meme dans les circonstances les plus dramatiques ou tout est arrange, engendre et limite par le dieu des dieux, defende son humanite est üne tournure fort remarquable de l'auteur qui expose nettement son desir de rapprochement du divin â l'humain. D'abord, tout en exposant au dieu des dieux une mortelle satisfaite de son destin, 1'heroine arrive fmalement a le faire accepter la dignite de l'humanite. On y a constate la possibility de cohabitation harmonieuse entre ces deux grands composants du Cosmos : l'homme et Dieu, non pas seulement grace au don amical d'Alcmene, mais aussi par 1'obstination de celle-ci, le propre de la divinite. Pourtant, on a constate que l'etre humain est limite et faible devant les lois de l'univers qui se sont construites depuis et qui se construisent perpetuellement. Meme s'il construit son equilibre interne, il lui est impossible d'arranger tout le reste de l'univers et de changer le cours des necessites du determinisme üniversel et d'eviter les fatalites puisqu'il s'agit d'une predestination inevitable pour l'humain ainsi que pour le divin.en_US
dc.subjectSosyal Bilimleren_US
dc.subjectDisiplinler Arasıen_US
dc.titleDefense de L'Humanite Contre le Dieu Intrus et Fatalite Dans Amphitryon 38 de Giraudouxen_US
dc.relation.journalÇukurova Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisien_US
dc.contributor.departmentSivas Cumhuriyet Üniversitesien_US
dc.relation.publicationcategoryMakale - Ulusal Hakemli Dergi - Kurum Öğretim Elemanıen_US]

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