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dc.contributor.authorEmel Özkaya
dc.description.abstractIn 1830, Stendhal published Tloe Red and the Black which depicts the ambitious life of Julien Sorel. The main theme of this novel is ambition. Julien's ambition is in continual transformation. It appears in different forms. Sometimes Julien tries to fight for freedom and sometimes he attempts to wield a certain power. This tendency towards domination is only based on his thirst for freedom. Reaching the summit and aquiring power is for him an assurance of security and access to all desireable goals. What Julien pursues is a freedom for the free expression of his talents. Because of his ambition, that is a way of life, Julien loses his mental equilibrium. After achieving what he wants, he becomes immobile and sees nothing. Consequently, this ambitious period of his life becomes an negative change and Julien becomes increasingly degenerated. He only develops this aspect of his character leaving all other traits to fade away.en_US
dc.description.abstractIn 1830, Stendhal published Tloe Red and the Black which depicts the ambitious life of Julien Sorel. The main theme of this novel is ambition. Julien's ambition is in continual transformation. It appears in different forms. Sometimes Julien tries to fight for freedom and sometimes he attempts to wield a certain power. This tendency towards domination is only based on his thirst for freedom. Reaching the summit and aquiring power is for him an assurance of security and access to all desireable goals. What Julien pursues is a freedom for the free expression of his talents. Because of his ambition, that is a way of life, Julien loses his mental equilibrium. After achieving what he wants, he becomes immobile and sees nothing. Consequently, this ambitious period of his life becomes an negative change and Julien becomes increasingly degenerated. He only develops this aspect of his character leaving all other traits to fade away.en_US
dc.subjectDil Bilimen_US
dc.titleAspects Negatifs de L'Ambition de Julien Sorel Dans le Rouge et le Noir de Stendhalen_US
dc.title.alternativeNegative Aspects of the Ambition of Julien Sorel in the Red and the Black of Stendhalen_US
dc.contributor.departmentSivas Cumhuriyet Üniversitesien_US
dc.relation.publicationcategoryMakale - Ulusal Hakemli Dergi - Kurum Öğretim Elemanıen_US]

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