Browsing Makale Koleksiyonu by Language "tur"
Now showing items 1-20 of 366
Acute anterior myocardial infarction presented with cardiogenic shock in a patient on herbal medication [Bitkisel ilaç tedavisi alan ve akut anterior miyokart enfarktüsüne ba?li kardiyojenik şok gelişen olgu]
(2012)Uncontrolled usage of herbal medications may cause problems that can lead to serious complications, including death. Panax is thought to have hypocholesterolemic, anticarcinogenic, antiinflammatory, and antimicrobial effects ... -
Advanced heart failure and future of mechanical assist devices: a Consensus Report on Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery
(BAYCINAR MEDICAL PUBL-BAYCINAR TIBBI YAYINCILIK, 2016)Heart failure is a progressive disease. A considerable portion of patients reach an advanced or terminal phase later or sooner, despite all of the developments in diagnosis, management, and follow-up and alternatives which ... -
Aggressiveness tendencies of the children exposed to domestic violence [Aile içinde şiddete u?rayan çocuklarin saldirganlik e?ilimleri]
(2007)Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the aggression tendencies of the children who exposed to domestic violence and to determine the relation between these tendencies and sociocultural, economic, psychological ... -
Analyses of preoperative presumptive diagnosis in lung and mediastinal lesions [Akci?er ve mediastinal lezyonlarda preoperatif tahminlerimizin analizi]
(2010)Aim The aim of this study was to investigate the correlation of preoperative presumptive and final histological diagnosis in patients without previous histological evaluation. Matherial and Methods We enrolled sixty-five ... -
Analysis of a reluctance launcher by finite elements method [Bir relüktans firlaticinin sonlu elemanlar yöntemi ile incelenmesi]
(2015)In this study, two dimensional model of a single-coil reluctance launcher was constructed via Maxwell software which uses Finite Elements Method as a solver. The effects of projectile parameters on muzzle velocity were ... -
(MIDDLE EAST TECHNICAL UNIV, 2016)Biophysical properties of green areas, which have an increasing importance in sustainable urban management, play a significant role in improving the urban climate. Especially, urban parks that are densely populated with ... -
Analysis, design and implementation of an axial flux, permanent magnet machine to be used in a low power wind generator [Küçük güçlü bir rüzgar jeneratöründe kullanim için eksenel akili bir sürekli miknatisli motorun analizi, tasarimi ve gerçekleştirilmesi]
(2009)Finite element analysis of an axial flux, permanent magnet, coreless stator, double rotor machine designed for a low power wind türbine application is presented. A real size model of the machine has been prepared by using ... -
Aneurysm formation in bovine mesenteric vein grafts after infrainguinal reconstructions
(BAYCINAR MEDICAL PUBL-BAYCINAR TIBBI YAYINCILIK, 2012)The use of autologous vein graft in infrainguinal arterial bypass grafting (IABG) is the gold standard. However, expanded polytetrafluoroethylene (ePTFE)/heterografts can be also used in cases where the use of autologous ... -
Anti hcv frequency and comparison of its positiveness by year obtained of cumhuriyet university medical faculty hospital between 2003-2011 [2003-2011 yillari içerisinde Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi Tip FakÜltesi Hastanesi'nde anti HCV görÜlme sikli?i ve pozitifliklerin yillara göre karšilaštirilmasi]
(2013)In this study, it is aimed to compare the prevalance of HCV antibody in hepatitis suspected blood sam ples taken from the patients applying to the Research and Practice Hospital of Cumhuriyet U niversity betw een the years ... -
Anti-coccidiosis effect of thymus serpyllum in rabbits: Oocyst shedding and body weight changes [Evcil tavşanlarda thymus serpyllum'un koksidiozise karşi{dotless} etkisi: Oosist ati{dotless}li{dotless}mi{dotless} ve canli{dotless} a?i{dotless}rli{dotless}k de?işimi]
(2010)The comparative anticoccidial activity of sulfadimidine and methanolic extract ofThymus serpyllum was examined in rabbits experimentally infected with Eimeria infection in rabbits. This study was to demonstrate the effect ... -
The anti-osteoporotic drug preferences of physiatrists: A multicenter descriptive study [Fiziatristlerin antiosteoporotik i?laç tercihleri: Çok merkezli tanimlayici araştirma]
(2012)Aim: The purpose of this multicenter descriptive study is to determine the preferences of physiatrists in our country for anti-osteoporotic drugs in patients with primary and secondary osteoporosis. Materials and Methods: ... -
Antiemetic effect of ondansetron on abdominal gynecologic operations
(1994)In this research, we studied on randomly selected 40 patients, aged between 40-65 years who had abdominal gynecological operations and were classified according to ASA I and ASA II. For 20 patients, intravenously administered ... -
Antimicrobial resistance patterns of pseudomonas aeruginosa strains isolated from bloodstream infections: Six-year evaluation [Kan akımı ınfeksiyonlarından ızole edilen pseudomonas aeruginosa suşlarının antimikrobiyal direnç paterni: Altı yıllık değerlendirme]
(2013)Objective: We aimed to determine the resistance rates of Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains isolated from nosocomial bloodstream infections against commonly-used antibiotics. Methods: We evaluated the P. aeruginosa strains ... -
Antimicrobial susceptibility in bacteria of corynebacterium species the pathogen role of which regains importance in various infections [Çeşitli enfeksiyonlarda patojen rolü yeniden önem kazanan korinebakteri türlerinde antimikrobiyal duyarlılık]
(2016)Objective: When bacteria of Coryneform species are isolated from clinical samples, it may be difficult to decide of its clinical importance. In 2014, EUCAST (The European Committee on Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing) ... -
Antitoxin levels against tetanus in various age groups [Ceşitli yaş gruplarinda tetanoza karşi saptanan antitoksin düzeyleri.]
(1990)In this study, antitoxin levels against tetanus were examined in the sera of 261 male and 139 female subjects (totally 400 subjects) in the age range from one day to 85 years. Tetanus antitoxin titres were determined by ... -
Anxiety and pain associated with process mammography: Influence of process information before [Mamografi işlemi ile ilişkili anksiyete ve a?ri: Işlem öncesi bilgilendirmenin etkisi]
(2010)Introduction: This study was carried out with the aim of determining the effect of information given in a leaflet to women who are about have a mammography on levels of anxiety before the procedure and pain levels after ... -
Application of temperature control in a batch polymerization reactor at different optimal temperatures [Kesikli bir polimerizasyon reaktörüne farkli optimal şartlarda sicaklik kontrolunun uygulanmasi]
(2013)The generalized delta rule (GDR) algorithm with generalized predictive control (GPC) was used to control the temperature of a jacketed batch reactor in which styrene polymerization occurs under isothermal conditions. The ... -
Approach to HELLP syndrome in intensive care unit (seven case report) [Yo?un bakimda HELLP sendromuna yaklaşim (yedi olgu sunumu)]
(2004)HELLP Syndrome is characterised by hemolysis, elevated serum levels of aspartate aminotransferase and lactate dehydrogenase and low platelet count. The pathogenesis of HELLP Syndrome remains unclear. We presented the follow ... -
Assessment of clonidine effects in premedication
(1992)Patients (n=20) who undergoing elective surgery under general anaesthesia were given 0.3 mg clonidine, 90-120 minutes before induction for premedication. The other group patients (n = 20) were given orally 10 mg diazepam ... -
Assessment of periodontal condition and systemic diseases in patients with periodontal diseases visiting periodontology clinic [Periodontoloji klini?ine başvuran hastalarda periodontal durum ve sistemik hastali{dotless}klari{dotless}n de?erlendirilmesi]
(2012)Objectives: The present study aims to determine the periodontal status and frequencies of the systemic diseases encountered in individuals admitted to Periodontology Department of Faculty of Dentistry at Cumhuriyet University. ...