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dc.contributor.authorNiemiec D.
dc.contributor.authorMarschalko M.
dc.contributor.authorYilmaz I.
dc.contributor.authorCheng X.
dc.contributor.authorŠtábl S.
dc.description.abstractEngineering structures in the geological environment of loess sediments face a number of problems. An emphasis is placed on the surface runoff hazard and the case study of surface runoff on loess sediment, it being an impermeable environment. Most frequently, engineering geology and geotechnics focus on the bearing capacity and settlement in connection with loess, which are the basic factors considered in foundation engineering. However, the natural conditions bring other hazards in the form of various geodynamic processes. Surface runoff, which is the main subject matter of the article, is often neglected in engineering-geological or geotechnical studies. The case study describes measures that have been implemented to control surface runoff as a hazardous process in Bravantice (Czech Republic). Surface runoff on the impermeable bedrock and extensive surface areas on slopes is a frequent hidden hazard of engineering geology and geotechnics, which means that relevant research and investigations must be carried out to take the phenomenon into better consideration. The fields studied in this case study are not the largest fields in the Czech Republic or abroad. A locality with larger fields means a hazard that is even bigger. © 2019, Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature.en_US
dc.publisherSpringer Verlagen_US
dc.subjectBravantice (Czech Republic)en_US
dc.subjectEngineering geological geofactoren_US
dc.subjectStructural damageen_US
dc.subjectSurface runoff hazarden_US
dc.titleSurface runoff on loess: an example of a commonly overlooked hazardous process from northeast Czech Republicen_US
dc.relation.journalBulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environmenten_US
dc.contributor.departmentNiemiec, D., Faculty of Mining and Geology, Institute of Geological Engineering, VŠB-Technical University of Ostrava, 17 listopadu 15, Ostrava, 708 33, Czech Republic -- Marschalko, M., Faculty of Mining and Geology, Institute of Geological Engineering, VŠB-Technical University of Ostrava, 17 listopadu 15, Ostrava, 708 33, Czech Republic -- Yilmaz, I., Faculty of Engineering, Department of Geological Engineering, Cumhuriyet University, Sivas, 58140, Turkey -- Cheng, X., Yunnan Land and Resources Vocational College, Kunming, Yunnan 652501, China -- Štábl, S., Faculty of Mining and Geology, Institute of Geological Engineering, VŠB-Technical University of Ostrava, 17 listopadu 15, Ostrava, 708 33, Czech Republicen_US
dc.relation.publicationcategoryMakale - Uluslararası Hakemli Dergi - Kurum Öğretim Elemanıen_US

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