Alasdair Macıntyre ve Alain Badiou’nun değer kuramları ışığında çağımızın ’Moralite krizi’ üzerine bir soruşturma
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Sivas Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi
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Bu çalışmada Alasdair MacIntyre ve Alain Badiou gibi iki çağdaş filozofun ahlâkî yozlaşmalara ve krizlere getirdikleri eleştiriler ve önerdikleri çözümler temelinde güncel tespitler yapılarak özgün bir bakış açısı ortaya konmaktadır. MacIntyre, ahlâkî krizlere karşı, tarihselci bir rasyonaliteden hareketle erdem ahlâkını savunmaktadır. Ona göre erdemden yoksun bir yaşam, mekaniklik, öznellik, hazcılık üzerinden bedensel olarak dışsallığın içsellik üzerinde hâkimiyet kurması problemini açığa çıkarır. MacIntyre'ın da işaret ettiği, bir tür ahlâkî kriz olarak nitelendirilebilecek bu durumda, eylemin değeri üzerinden oluşan karakterli bir duruş ve erdemli bir tavır geliştirmenin anlamı azalırken, belirlilik, mekaniklik ve hesaplanabilirlik gibi ifadelerin pratiğe dönüştüğü yaşam alanı genişlemektedir. Bununla birlikte, iyi, sevgi, tarihsel öykü, gelenek, erdem, arzu gibi kavramlar ahlâkî tavırlardan bağımsız olarak haz formüllerine indirgenerek somutlaştırılmaktadırlar. MacIntyre'a göre, bu esaret durumunda, mücadeleci tavırlardan ya da rahatsız edici önerilerden hareketle, ahlâkî dilin nasıl ortadan kaldırıldığını anlamak için tarihsel bir iz sürme arayışı ortaya çıkarılmalıdır. Badiou ise bunalım, esaret ve krizlere karşı hakikatler etiğini savunmaktadır. Badiou'ya göre, hakikatler etiğinin temelinde, dünyanın sefaletine dayalı ideolojilerin, neoliberalizmin aracı hâline gelmiş etiğin yerinden edilmesi ve hakikatin yeniden icat edilmesi gerekmektedir. Bu etiğin temelindeki mücadeleden uzaklaşan öznenin varoluş tarzı kaybolduğu, derinliği, yaratıcılığı da olmadığı için özgün taraf ortadan kalkmış, farklılık yerine aynılık her şeyi kuşatmıştır. Başkası tarafından sömürülme tehlikesi, yerini kendi kendini sömürme olan özgürlük parodisine bırakmıştır. Bir başka deyişle, her şeyin mümkün olduğu, buharlaşan değerlerin yerini şeffaflığın aldığı postmodern durumlar egemenliğini ilan etmiştir. Bununla birlikte, bu yozlaşmış hayat içerisinde, etiğin, teorik olana, tanımlara, ideolojilere, bedensel kötülük görmeme durumlarına indirgenmesi, yarar üzerinden anlamlı hâle getirilmeye çalışılması yaygınlık kazanmıştır. Badiou'ya göre etiğin bu yozlaşmış durumunun dışında yeni bir gerçek yaşam alanı kurmak insanlığa musallat olmuş olumluluk yerine direnişin ortaya çıkarılması gerekir. İki filozofun perspektifinden de yararlanılarak, sözü edilen yozlaşmış yaşama karşı, MacIntyre'ın erdem ahlâkı ve Badiou'nun hakikatler etiği üzerinden arayışlara girişmek yeni bir yol ortaya çıkarabilir. Bu çalışmada, çağımızda yaygın olan etiğin, arkasında saklandığı ideolojilerin dışında, olması gereken doğal ve evrensel kökenlerine işaret ederken, tanımlayıcı, yorumlayıcı anlayışların istatistikçi bakış açılarına eleştiriler yöneltilmektedir. Anahtar Kelimeler: MacIntyre, Badiou, Moralite, Etik Yozlaşma, Mücadele, Erdem.
In this study, the criticisms and suggestions of two contemporary philosophers, Alasdair MacIntyre and Alain Badiou, on moral corruptions and crises, are presented with an original perspective by making up-to-date determinations on the basis of solutions. MacIntyre, with a drive of historicist rationality, defends virtue ethics against moral crises. According to him, a life devoid of virtue reveals the problem of bodily externality dominating internality through mechanicalness, subjectivity, and hedonism. As pointed out by MacIntyre, this aspect can be described as a kind of moral crisis, in which the meaning of possessing a dignified stance and a virtuous attitude based on the value of action decreases, while a living sphere expands where expressions such as certainty, mechanicalness and calculability are transformed into practice. However, concepts such as good, love, historical story, tradition, virtue, desire are materialized by reducing them to pleasure formulas, being independent of moral attitudes. According to MacIntyre, in this state of captivity, a search for a historical trace must be set forth to understand how moral language is eliminated through challenging attitudes or disturbing suggestions. Badiou, on the other hand, defends the ethics of truths against depression, captivity, and crisis. According to Badiou, the basis of the ethics of truths requires the subversion of ideologies advocating the misery of the world and of ethics that became the tool of neoliberalism. Therefore, truth should be reinvented. Since the subject, who is detached from the struggle lying at the heart of this ethics, loses his way of existence and at the same time as he also lacks depth and creativity, the original side is disappeared, which results in the encompassment of sameness rather than that of difference. The danger of being exploited by someone else has given its way to the parody of freedom, which is a form of self-exploitation. In other words, a postmodern state declares its sovereignty, in which everything is possible and evaporating values are replaced by transparency. However, what has become widespread within this degenerated life is the reduction of ethics to the theoretical, to definitions, to ideologies, to the state of experiencing no physical harm, and the attempt to make it meaningful through utility. According to Badiou, it is necessary to establish a new sphere of life outside of this corrupted state of ethics, where resistance prevails rather than and positivity that has captured humanity for a long time. Making use of the perspectives of both philosophers, a new path can emerge against the above-mentioned corrupted life through MacIntyre's ethics of virtue and Badiou's ethics of truths. Hence, while this study points to the natural and universal origins of ethics prevalent in our age, apart from the ideologies it hides behind, it also directs a criticism towards the statistical perspectives of descriptive and interpretive understandings. Keywords: MacIntyre, Badiou, Morality, Ethical Corruption, Struggle, Virtue.
In this study, the criticisms and suggestions of two contemporary philosophers, Alasdair MacIntyre and Alain Badiou, on moral corruptions and crises, are presented with an original perspective by making up-to-date determinations on the basis of solutions. MacIntyre, with a drive of historicist rationality, defends virtue ethics against moral crises. According to him, a life devoid of virtue reveals the problem of bodily externality dominating internality through mechanicalness, subjectivity, and hedonism. As pointed out by MacIntyre, this aspect can be described as a kind of moral crisis, in which the meaning of possessing a dignified stance and a virtuous attitude based on the value of action decreases, while a living sphere expands where expressions such as certainty, mechanicalness and calculability are transformed into practice. However, concepts such as good, love, historical story, tradition, virtue, desire are materialized by reducing them to pleasure formulas, being independent of moral attitudes. According to MacIntyre, in this state of captivity, a search for a historical trace must be set forth to understand how moral language is eliminated through challenging attitudes or disturbing suggestions. Badiou, on the other hand, defends the ethics of truths against depression, captivity, and crisis. According to Badiou, the basis of the ethics of truths requires the subversion of ideologies advocating the misery of the world and of ethics that became the tool of neoliberalism. Therefore, truth should be reinvented. Since the subject, who is detached from the struggle lying at the heart of this ethics, loses his way of existence and at the same time as he also lacks depth and creativity, the original side is disappeared, which results in the encompassment of sameness rather than that of difference. The danger of being exploited by someone else has given its way to the parody of freedom, which is a form of self-exploitation. In other words, a postmodern state declares its sovereignty, in which everything is possible and evaporating values are replaced by transparency. However, what has become widespread within this degenerated life is the reduction of ethics to the theoretical, to definitions, to ideologies, to the state of experiencing no physical harm, and the attempt to make it meaningful through utility. According to Badiou, it is necessary to establish a new sphere of life outside of this corrupted state of ethics, where resistance prevails rather than and positivity that has captured humanity for a long time. Making use of the perspectives of both philosophers, a new path can emerge against the above-mentioned corrupted life through MacIntyre's ethics of virtue and Badiou's ethics of truths. Hence, while this study points to the natural and universal origins of ethics prevalent in our age, apart from the ideologies it hides behind, it also directs a criticism towards the statistical perspectives of descriptive and interpretive understandings. Keywords: MacIntyre, Badiou, Morality, Ethical Corruption, Struggle, Virtue.
Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Felsefe Ana Bilim Dalı
Anahtar Kelimeler
Felsefe, Philosophy