A novel method based on Wiener filter for denoising Poisson noise from medical X-Ray images
Background and Objective: The Poisson noise is added to the image during the acquisition of medical X-Ray
images. The distorted image due to this noise makes it difficult for physicians to diagnose the disease. Although
there are various approaches for filtering Poisson noise, these approaches have disadvantages such as excessive
smoothing of the image, distorting the texture information, reducing the image quality and high computational
cost. In this study, a novel method that removes Poisson noise from medical X-Ray images is proposed by
overcoming the above mentioned disadvantages.
Methods: In the proposed method, the Wiener filter is modified using the FIR filter embedded in the standard
Wiener algorithm. The FIR filter design was carried out using the ASO optimization algorithm. Optimum local
mean and optimum local variance values are calculated using the optimization matrix corresponding to the FIR
filter coefficients and transferred to the standart Wiener filter layer as parameter inputs.
Results: The proposed method showed superior performance in synthetic images and medical X-Ray images in
terms of PSNR, MSE, SSIM metrics and image quality metrics such as luminous intensity, Contrast index, Entropy
and Sharpness. The time consumption of the proposed method is much less.
Conclusions: The clinical usage of the proposed method may help doctors to be able to diagnose the disease more
accurately by interpreting the X-ray images. Besides, the proposed method can also have a positive effect on the
CAD performance by using it at the pre-processing stage of CAD systems.