Troponin-T value as a prognostic marker in neonates diagnosed with neonatal encephalopathy and receiving hypothermia treatment
Show full item recordAbstract
Abstract. – OBJECTIVE: The aim of this
study was to investigate the effect of Tropo nin-T levels on the prognosis of neonatal en cephalopathy (NE).
PATIENTS AND METHODS: The study in cluded one hundred and eleven newborns diag nosed with NE and receiving hypothermia treat ment. The cases were separated into 2 groups
according to the SARNAT classification as Stage
2 or Stage 3. The groups were compared in re spect of anthropometric characteristics, APGAR
scores, and biochemical parameters. The cases
were also separated into 3 groups according to
the Troponin-T levels and were compared with
respect to the clinical course.
RESULTS: The serum Troponin-T (p=0.012),
alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and aspartate
aminotransferase (AST) (p<0.0001), and lac tate levels (p=0.04) in the Sarnat Stage 3 group
were statistically significantly higher than in
the Sarnat stage 2 group. A significant positive
correlation was determined between the Tropo nin-T level and the total duration of respirato ry support (r=0.20, p=0.03). A significant pos itive correlation was determined between the
ALT/AST ratio and the length of stay in hos pital (r=0.29, p=0.001), duration of intubation
(r=0.32, p=0.01), and total duration of respira tory support (r=0.36, p<0.001). A statistically
significant difference was determined in mor tality rates between the 3 subgroups of Tropo nin-T levels; Group 1: 2.8%, Group 2:5.4%, and
Group 3: 15.8%. (p=0.04, χ²=4.74). A cut-off val ue of 164 ng/L for Troponin-T was determined
to predict mortality with 77% sensitivity and
67% specificity (AUC=0.73, p=0.023). When the
groups were compared according to Troponin-T
level, a statistically significant difference was
determined in respect of length of stay in hos pital (p=0.03, χ²=6.95) and total duration of ox ygen support (p=0.01, χ²=9.12).
CONCLUSIONS: The serum Troponin-T level
can be evaluated as a prognostic marker in cas es followed up with a diagnosis of NE and re ceiving hypothermia treatment. There is a need
for further prospective studies with larger sam ples on this subject.